
Simple Home-Made Naan

Always thought this would be scary to make! It isn't.

Really quick and easy Na an bread you can throw together in minutes.

This one is a little different from my other recipes as I never actually measure the ingredients. I simply ask the question "How much bread do you want?" and go from there.


450 g of self raising flour
1 teaspoon of sugar. White or brown.
1/2 teaspoon of salt.
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder (optional)
1 tablespoon of cooking oil.
150 ml of milk.


1. Mix the all the dry ingredients in a large bowl and slowly add the milk and oil stirring in well. Make a dough ball with the mixture (you may need to add a touch more milk/ flour to get the consistency right at this stage), cover with a tea towel and leave for 10 minutes in a warm place.

2. Remove the ball of dough and split into several balls of equal size. Flatten each one and if you so desire shape them with the palm of your hands so they resemble the usual tear drop shape.

3. Spray a flat frying pan or chapati pan if you have one with oil and leave over high heat until smoking. fry both sides of the bread dough (don't worry if you burn it a little that's a good thing!) and serve immediately with the curry of your choice.


For a slight difference try using natural yoghurt instead of milk or honey instead of oil in the dough. You can also throw in a little coriander leaves or garlic in the mix to. 

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